Categories: Youth and education

Kingfisher Preschool Request

Kingfisher preschool is a small rural charity supporting our community by providing outstanding early years education. We provide a safe…

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Sound Waves Foundation Request (Portfolio)

Established in 2022 by mothers of deaf children, Sound Waves are reframing deafness as deafability rather than disability so deaf…

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RISE UP Request (Portfolio)

Our mission is to ensure that every young person (16-30) is empowered by their potential and can harness it to…

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Conversation Over Borders Request (Portfolio)

Conversation Over Borders is a nonprofit working to reduce isolation, build language skills and advocate for the rights of refugees…

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Team Mushin CIC Request (SAC Recommended)

Team Mushin CIC is a small non-profit organisation which promotes fitness & well-being through martial arts engaging with 100+ people…

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Raising Futures Kenya Request (Portfolio)

Raising Futures Kenya are looking for a new Finance Trustee to join their UK Board. Working alongside their Kenyan NGO…

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YourStance Request (Portfolio)

YourStance is a preventative educational project which empowers young people at risk from serious youth violence by teaching them lifesaving…

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Every Future Foundation Request (Portfolio)

Every Future Foundation fosters inclusivity and understanding in our communities through anti-racism training programmes.

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London Basketball Association Request (Portfolio)

The London Basketball Association enhances the lives of young people in some of London's most deprived areas through basketball.

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The Peninsula Trust Request (SAC Recommended)

We are a community benefits society that supports our local community around issues such as inequality, advocacy, social isolation, food…

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Teach2Teach Request (Portfolio)

Teach2Teach International is dedicated to enhancing education in rural Ghana by providing teacher training courses to unemployed young people and…

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Reconnect Education Project Request (Portfolio)

ReconnectEd is dedicated to empowering young people facing multiple vulnerabilities to flourish in mainstream school by addressing the root causes…

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Reconnect Education Project Request (Portfolio)

ReconnectEd is dedicated to empowering young people facing multiple vulnerabilities to flourish in mainstream school by addressing the root causes…

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2020 Levels Request (Portfolio)

20/20 Levels, is a social mobility organisation, empowering Black and racially underrepresented young people through opportunities to maximise their potential.…

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Schools of Tomorrow Request (Portfolio)

Schools of Tomorrow is a community interest company (CIC). Established in 2013, by and for school leaders, we work together…

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Plant Your Future Request (Portfolio Charity)

Plant Your Future is an NGO dedicated to reforestation and sustainable agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon working with smallholder farmers.…

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Daybreak Family Group Conferences Request

Registered in 1999, Daybreak is a charity whose foundations are in growing the practice of Family Group Conferences in the…

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Huckleberries Nurture Farm Request (Portfolio)

We offer children (aged 5-13) struggling with their social, emotional or mental health 'a place to be me', where they…

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EmbraceAbility Request (Portfolio)

EmbraceAbility provides therapy, education, and support to children and their families in Cambodia and Malawi. We partner with local stakeholders…

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Ms Independent Careers Request (Portfolio)

We exist to reduce employment inequality by reaching young women aged 14-19, before they leave education who are most likely…

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