Huckleberries Nurture Farm Request (Portfolio)

Organisation Description

We offer children (aged 5-13) struggling with their social, emotional or mental health ‘a place to be me’, where they feel they belong, can cultivate their competence, generosity, and autonomy through connecting with themselves, each other, nature and our animals.
We provide a trauma recovery programme intertwined with project-based learning in an outdoor rural setting, so that they can learn to love who they are, grow, recover and start to re-engage.
We especially support children who have no access to pastoral or financial support (such as an EHCP), through the provision of fully funded placements for one day each week for at least 2 school terms. We work with children struggling with anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, domestic abuse, neglect, looked after children, young carers, bereaved children, and those who struggle in mainstream school due to autism or specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia.

What are they looking for?

1. Legal support: We are moving from a CIC to a CIO structure, and are seeking support to help us novate contracts and staff to the CIO once registered (the application has been submitted). Likely Sept24 - Jan25. Remote advisory role for a few hours per month to ensure we don't miss anything crtitcal! We're competent once we know what to do.

2. Strategic Transformation: We're seeking someone experienced in transformative growth to mentor us through our next phase of development to expand our service from trauma recovery to educational engagement, by establishing a progressive outdoor learning centre, for children who have attended our nurture farm and are ready to re-engage in learning that meets their needs so they can thrive. We're ambitious for them and have an amazing vision and would appreciate help to structure our creative informed thinking, and help make it a reality. This will also enhance our financial sustainability. Timeframe: We're working on it now and would love someone to join us asap, to mentor, help steer us on a structured approach, make introductions, review strategic plans etc. Potential to join the Board of Trustees if interested in a longer term relationship.