Category: Media appearance

Obituary for Richard Hoare, founder of The Bulldog Trust

Richard 'Tigger' Hoare, founder of The Fore's umbrella charity, The Bulldog Trust, sadly passed away recently. His philanthropic spirit, and…

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The Fore’s Havering Programme Featured in The Romford Recorder

The Romford Recorder, a prominent local paper in Havering, covered the launch of The Fore's havering pilot grants programme. Click…

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Seb Elsworth Highlights The Fore in Third Sector Magazine

Seb Elsworth, CEO of The Access Foundation, highlighted the impact of The Fore's work in an article for Third Sector…

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Mary Rose Gunn Features on the ‘Do One Better!’ Podcast

The Fore's CEO, Mary Rose Gunn, this week appeared on Alberto Lidji's 'Do One Better!' podcast, where she discussed some…

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Mary Rose Gunn Featured in Third Sector Magazine on Ethics of Funding

Our CEO, Mary Rose Gunn, was featured in an article in Third Sector Magazine on the ethics of accepting funding…

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The Fore in Campden FB Magazine: ‘Sustainable Performance to The Fore’

The Fore’s recent report, ‘Substantiating The Fore’s Approach; Performance of Pilot Portfolio Relative to a Control Group’, was recently highlighted…

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The Fore’s Report Covered in Third Sector

The Fore’s report, ‘Substantiating The Fore’s Approach‘, was covered in Third Sector Magazine. Click here to read “Grantee-Led Funding ‘Could Help Charities Grow…

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The Fore’s Report Covered in Civil Society Magazine

The Fore’s report, ‘Substantiating The Fore’s Approach‘, was covered in Civil Society Magazine. Click here to read “Foundation Finds its Grantees ‘Significantly Outperform’…

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Mary Rose Gunn Interviewed for Pioneers Post

The Fore’s CEO, Mary Rose Gunn, was recently interviewed for Pioneers Post Magazine. Click here to read more. 

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The Fore in Campden FB Magazine: Funding Social Impact Since 1672

The Fore was recently featured in Campden FB Magazine, in the article ‘Funding Social Impact Since 1672’. Click here to…

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The Fore Featured in The Bristol Magazine

The Bristol Magazine wrote a piece about The Fore's work and its impact in Bristol. Take a look at an…

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‘There’s No ‘Social Mobility’ in the Charity Sector:’ Mary Rose Gunn Authors RSA Blog

Mary Rose Gunn, CEO of The Fore, published a blog for the RSA highlighting the charity sector's failure to support…

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