Changing Relations Request (Portfolio)

Organisation Description

We have 10 years’ experience of using the arts as a powerful engagement tool to transform how people think about gender stereotypes and relationship behaviours. Our mission is to break down gender barriers, foster healthy relationships and transform lives.

We optimise the value of our resources by developing learning based on our artwork, stimulating meaningful engagement for schools, businesses and communities. Our authenticity of voice helps participants recognise truths and prompts change, whether in people’s own lives or in the support they are inspired to offer others.

We have a fantastic creative portfolio that school interest indicates has great value as the basis for a student workshop programme and teacher CPD series, achieving social impact for young people and preventative work with young people is fundamental to our mission.

However, school budgets are highly pressured and so we’re looking to explore corporate sponsorship as a way to square this circle.

What are they looking for?

We are looking to ensure that our IP is clear and secure as we ready ourselves for investment.

We are also looking to develop a corporate sponsorship framework and bring an additional Non Exec Director on board who has an expertise in corporate sponsorship to support us make this shift in diversifying the kind of finance we are able to generate.