
Organisation Description

Vision Care for Homeless People is a charity set-up to provide eyecare services to homeless and other vulnerable people in an accessible and friendly environment in which they feel safe, welcome and comfortable.

The majority of homeless and vulnerable people are not in receipt of financial benefits, so are not eligible for an NHS eye examination and a voucher towards their spectacles. For those that are, not many practices will make spectacles free of charge, and a small charge may be unmanageable. We provide a fully comprehensive, high quality service totally free of charge.

We aim to preserve, protect and promote the ocular health of homeless and vulnerable people in the UK who are unwilling or unable to access mainstream services available through the NHS. We include screening of ocular health and the provision of spectacles, that meets the immediate visual needs of our beneficiaries.

What are they looking for?

We are seeking dynamic individuals who will bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment, to join our board and help guide our strategic direction, broadening the diversity of thinking on our board, and positively challenging the status quo.

We're particularly interested in candidates who possess one or more of the following skills and experiences:
• Board Experience: To provide strategic leadership and governance oversight.
• Digital Skills: To navigate the digital landscape and leverage technology for organisational growth.
• Cybersecurity: To ensure the security and integrity of our digital infrastructure.
• Lived experience of homelessness or as a service user: To offer first-hand insights into the needs and challenges of our service users.
• Charity Law and Compliance: To ensure that we operate in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
• Policy Development: To develop robust policies that align with our mission and support our organizational objectives.

The full role description can be found here: https://www.visioncarecharity.org/6546-2

The trustee role is remote with one annual face-to-face meeting. Time commitment is approximately 5 days in total per year spread across 6 board meetings, sub-group meetings and one strategy day.