Mobiloo CIC Request (Portfolio)

Organisation Description

Mobiloo is the world’s first mobile, accessible toilet and changing facility for the quarter of a million disabled people in the UK who require specialist kit including a hoist and adult-sized changing bed when using the bathroom. We design, build, sell and hire out to a wide variety of venues and events including festivals, sporting fixtures, cultural events, school trips, weddings, birthday parties and more. To date Mobiloo has supported tens of thousands of disabled people to do ordinary and extra-ordinary things that previously were impossible. Our team is diverse with lived experience of the issues we aim to resolve and excellence is our habit. Highly respected and hugely loved by customers and beneficiaries, Mobiloo is ready for very significant expansion with global reach being our aim. We are turning down 44% of hire enquiries and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 200 Uk Mobiloo’s is our goal.

What are they looking for?

To reach our UK goal of 200 Mobiloo’s and international expansion we will need a lot of capital. We’re a CIC limited by shares so eligible for the Enterprise Investment Scheme. We aim to attract investors seeking social impact first and foremost though we anticipate being able to make a modest return within the regulations governing CICs. We need assistance with our Investment Proposal, Business Modelling, Financial Forecasting and Pitching Opportunities. We have two Social Franchising arrangements with local authorities and one with a charity and we seek to develop this model as well as building a network of individual Social Franchisees. Someone with experience in Business Development, Marketing and Comms and Finance would be ideal. With growth come many challenges and opportunities so someone to act as an objective sounding board could significantly support Mobiloo’s next phase. The perfect mentor will likely have:
- experience in growing a small and ambitious business
- a desire to improve the lives of disabled people
- understand the challenges of balancing innovation, production and service provision within the context of a small organisation
- experience in attracting investment from a variety of sources

We look forward to hearing from you!