Henry Dancer Days Request (Portfolio)

Organisation Description

We work with children and young people with cancer (18 and under) and their families in two ways:
1. Providing Hardship Support for families who have a child with Primary Bone Cancer (UK wide)
2. Offering distraction from treatment and improving mental health of young patients with all forms of cancer in Paediatric Oncology wards (UK and Scotland). We do this through employing professional Storytellers and Ceramicists.

Our aim is to support children and their families as they undergo devastating treatment and to put smiles on the faces of young patients.

What are they looking for?

Our website is tired and out of date and we need support in redesigning it and maintaining it. We have 1 administrator who is happy to admit to not having the skills required for this.

She is used to working virtually, so would be able to work with someone in this manner. After the initial upgrade of the site, the time commitment would be minimal: a matter of maintenance and occasional "tweaks".