FUSS (Free UniformS for School) Request (SAC recommended)

Organisation Description

FUSS supplies good quality reused school uniform free of charge and regardless of family circumstances. We also aim to recycle or waste prevent all items donated to us that we cannot pass on for regular use. FUSS works throughout Wirral and parts of Cheshire and Lancashire, through a series of church-based and free shop hubs, staffed by around 30 volunteers and one part time coordinator. FUSS offers an online request option as well as drop-in sessions at our hubs. We supply uniform for around 120 different schools. In 2022/23 we responded to over 4750 requests from families, gave away over 26000 clothing items and waste prevented nearly 11 Tonnes of excess clothing.

What are they looking for?

We are looking for support in two areas which have undermined the effectiveness of our applications for funding. Firstly, beyond our core funding which we have more or less secured, we need help with business strategy to make future expansion, development and additional paid staffing, financially sustainable. Our current model, though effective, handicaps us in this regard.

Secondly, we need help with demonstrating community and societal impact, especially in harvesting and presenting qualitative data. We are looking for training/advice/support for our Trustees/Management Group and our paid Coordinator in addressing these areas. Initially, we feel in person support would be helpful so that the mentor can see what the project looks like on the ground and observe what the potentialities and limitations are. Further help could be achieved virtually. We are looking for expertise, but from someone familiar with the charity sector, the needs and sensitivities of families, and the potential and limitations of volunteer operated organisations.