It’s A Match: Free to Be Kids

July 1, 2024

The number of referrals to child and adolescent mental health services has reached an all-time high, with over half a million children referred in 2023. More than 50% of these referrals came from households struggling financially.

Free To Be Kids was founded to help children and young people in London struggling with social and emotional difficulties to create lasting change for their emotional health. Free To Be Kids joined our portfolio in 2018, and our funding and wraparound support freed up the co-founder’s time to focus on organisational growth.

As part of their growth plans, Free To Be Kids reached out to The Fore in 2023 seeking to recruit a trustee with expert knowledge of financial systems and accounting best practices.

Recognising the critical role of financial stewardship for the charity’s growth trajectory, The Fore connected Free to Be Kids with Elena Davies, an active equity strategist from BlackRock with experience in managing charity finances. Elena is one of many BlackRock employees signed up to our pro bono network through BlackRock’s longstanding partnership with The Fore.

The alignment of her skills and Free to Be Kids’ mission was unmistakable. “When I was introduced to Free to Be Kids by The Fore, I immediately recognised a perfect match with my interests and the scale of the opportunity,” Elena reflects.

However, Elena did not hastily embark on trusteeship, acknowledging the responsibility and commitment that the role involves. After learning more about how The Fore vets charities in its portfolio, and meeting the leaders of Free To Be Kids to understand what they were seeking to achieve, Elena realised the opportunity was a “perfect match” for her interests and skills.

 Not only was this an opportunity to use her existing skills for positive social impact, but also for “personal and professional development as board experience may be valuable in the long run,” Elena notes. She was right – she has been their financial trustee for over a year!

For Free To Be Kids, the experience has been nothing short of positive: “The support offered by The Fore was quick, easy and helpful”. Grateful for the swift and seamless support offered by The Fore, Elena was an immediate “great addition,” filling a gap within the charity board with her financial sector expertise, the charity reflects. 

Over the past year, Elena has immersed herself wholeheartedly in the charity’s endeavours even beyond her financial expertise. She has participated in Free To Be Kids’ fundraising events and engaged with their projects, embodying the spirit of volunteerism and dedication.

A true success story showing how the synergy of skills can facilitate mutual growth, exemplifying the transformative power of skilled volunteering.

Does Elena’s story inspire you? You too can use your professional skills to drive positive change. Through The Fore, we tailor-match your skills and interests to the right charity for you. Browse our portfolio charities and email to learn more about how you can get involved!