Informing Choices NI
Informing Choices NI champions informed choices for all around sex, sexual health, and emotional well-being in Northern Ireland, specialising in support for people with autism or a learning disability.
They do this through advocacy, counselling, education, and training for professionals working in the field. Their offer includes a sexual health helpline and the only non-directive pregnancy counselling service in Northern Ireland. 98% of participants in their JustAsk sexuality and relationships programme said it increased their knowledge and confidence.
Funding from The Fore will release the capacity of the CEO and Training Manager. This will enable Informing Choices NI to unlock the potential of their training offer and scale their work across Northern Ireland and beyond.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2024 Spring
Grant amount:30,000
Location: Northern Ireland
Sector: Disability, Health and wellbeing, Human rights law and justice