Cycle Sisters

Cycle Sisters inspires Muslim women to change their lives through cycling.
Their volunteer-led cycle groups foster an empowering environment for their 1,500 members across London, with 92% seeing improved physical and mental health, and 90% feeling more confident. By collaborating with national cycling organisations they also tackle stereotypes to make cycling more accessible and diverse. Capacity constraints mean that founder and CEO Sarah Javaid is focused on day-to-day operations, leaving no room for their growth ambitions to be realised.
With funding from The Fore, Cycle Sisters will recruit a Business Development Lead, giving breathing space to focus on diversifying income streams and reduce reliance on grant funding. This will propel an expansion across the UK.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2024 Summer
Grant amount:30,000
Location: London
Sector: Health and wellbeing, Sport, Women and girls