
Carefree use their digital platform to turn vacant and unsold hotel rooms into much-needed holiday accommodation for unpaid carers.
In the UK, 8.8M unpaid carers provide £132bn worth of social care, yet they receive little to no respite. 46% won’t have had a break for 5 years. Carefree has booked 1,750 breaks and supported 6,000 carers in the last year.
The Fore is supporting Carefree to scale and develop the charity. With their intervention, 98% of carers reported improved wellbeing. Our investment will help them towards their goal of ensuring that every full-time unpaid carer has access to a short break.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2022 Autumn
Grant amount:30000
Location: Throughout the UK
Sector: Health and wellbeing