Dogs for Autism

Dogs for Autism is the first charity in the UK to specialise in providing dogs to autistic people of any age, operating with a similar model to 'Guide Dogs for the Blind'. An Austism Assistance Dog can transform the lives of whole families, helping those housebound due to challenging behaviours to re-enter the community. Autusm Assistance Dogs reduce anxiety, help social engagement through communication games, assist with 'tethering' to prevent children running away, and, most importantly, offer unconditional friendship. Demand for Autism Assistance Dogs has skyrocketed over lockdown, and there is an ample supply of puppies, however, the organisation cannot train the puppies fast enough to meet demand. Dogs for Autism is using funding from The Fore to grow its training capacity to increase the number of Autism Assistance Dogs it can provide, while also improving the quality of training delivered.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2020 Autumn
Grant amount:15000
Location: Throughout the UK
Sector: Disability, Health and wellbeing