Stay Up Late

Stay Up Late began in 2007 as a campaign for adults with learning disabilities and autism to have an equal right to ‘stay up late’ to enjoy concerts, clubbing and socialising. In 2013, Stay Up Late launched Gig Buddies, a befriending scheme that matches socially isolated people with learning disabilities or autism with volunteers who share their cultural passions and interests, and now supports over 90 pairs of buddies regularly attending events across Sussex. The Fore will support Stay Up Late to meet the high demand it has received from grassroots organisations, other charities and local authorities across the U.K. to franchise Gig Buddies by funding a dedicated Project Manager to oversee training and ongoing support for Gig Buddies franchisees, freeing Stay Up Late’s CEO to focus on strategic planning, building relationships and creative income generation.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2017 Autumn
Grant amount:30000
Location: Throughout the UK
Sector: Disability, Health and wellbeing