Hope for the Young

Hope for the Young


Hope For The Young (HFTY) helps young refugees and asylum-seekers overcome barriers to education, by providing wellbeing support, volunteer-led mentoring and financial assistance. In 2018 alone, 2,872 unaccompanied children applied for asylum in the UK. 50% were refused refugee status leaving many waiting many years for a final decision on their case. Those turning 18 subsequently faced international student fees of up to £28,000 per year. Language barriers, an inability to navigate bureaucracies and severe trauma also prevent young refugees and asylum seekers accessing education. Without an education, there is little hope of a better life for these young people. So far, HFTY has supported 114 children with the costs of education and delivered over 3,000 hours of mentoring. HFTY will use The Fore’s funding to meet the significant demand for its services by restructuring the organisation and growing its staff team ? opening a mentoring hub in North London and growing the organisation’s capacity considerably. This will double the number of young people HFTY can support at any one time.