The Philosophy Foundation

The Philosophy Foundation works with children and adults to help them develop critical thinking skills, cognitive ability, communication skills, higher order reasoning skills, problem solving, confidence and the ability to see beyond the content delivered to them. It provides a variety of critical thinking interventions for schools in disadvantaged areas, prisons and the elderly – all provided by trained volunteer philosophy graduates. Even resource constrained schools value the programme to such a degree that 91% renew contracts, a remarkable rate of success. The Philosophy Foundation will use funding from The Fore to provide the necessary staff capacity to meet demand from additional schools for the programme, while also freeing up the leadership from administrative tasks. This new staff capacity will be funded through the new school contracts within two years, enabling the organisation to successfully scale its work across the UK.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2019 Autumn
Grant amount:30000
Location: Throughout the UK, Outside the UK
Sector: Youth and education