CoDa Dance Company

Coda Dance provides innovative, therapeutic dance sessions for neuro-disabled people to improve their cognitive, physical and mental health. Its interactive ‘Dance-as-Physio’ group sessions offer patients with acquired brain injuries uplifting opportunities to engage socially with others, whilst also improving patient strength, mobility and creativity. Coda Dance will use The Fore’s funding to launch a new ‘train the trainer’ programme, generating a new income stream while also creating a pipeline of specialised dance facilitators to run Coda Dance’s sessions, growing the organisation’s capacity. This will allow Coda Dance to expand its current service provision at The Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability’s from three of its wards to all twelve.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2019 Autumn
Grant amount:30000
Location: East of England, London, South East
Sector: Arts and culture, Disability