Multi Agency International Training and Support (MAITS)

MAITS provides training for local people in developing countries who care for people with developmental disabilities. Relatively simple low-cost techniques can be life-changing for children with cerebral palsy, developmental disorders, autism or who were born prematurely. A straightforward method can be used, for example, to save the lives of infants who would otherwise be unable to feed. By upskilling local people, rather than sending in development workers, MAITS has a lasting impact on communities. Alongside providing carers with key skills, its training also helps combat powerful stigma associated with disabled children in many countries around the world. The Fore funded MAITS to provide the staff capacity necessary to apply for large grants from international development funders.This will expand MAITS’ programmes to reach new beneficiaries and increase the organisation?s financial sustainability.
Funding programme:Core Programme
Funding round:2019 Spring
Grant amount:30000
Location: Outside the UK
Sector: Disability