The Funding Offer
How much and over what time period is funding available?
The Fore will make grants of up to £30,000 which may be spread over one to three years. We ask you to tell us in your application the total amount of funding you are requesting and over what time period. Please note that our maximum grant size is £30,000 in total.
What can the funding be used for? Does The Fore fund core costs?
I hear the process is very competitive, is it worth me applying?
Will everyone who applies for funding receive a grant?
If I am successful, what will The Fore require in terms of monitoring?
Does my organisation need to be a registered charity?
We accept applications from registered charities (including those constituted as charitable trusts, charitable unincorporated associations, charitable incorporated organisations and charitable companies limited by guarantee), Community Interest Companies (CICs) limited by guarantee, and Community Benefit Societies (CBSs) that are either Charitable CBSs or non-charitable CBSs with an asset lock.
We do not fund CICs limited by shares or non charitable CBSs that do not have an asset lock.
Can I apply if my organisation is a company limited by guarantee?
Can I apply if my organisation is a Community Interest Company limited by shares?
Can I apply if my organisation is a non-charitable Community Benefit Society without an asset lock?
We have applied to be a registered charity/community interest company limited by guarantee/charitable incorporated organisation/community benefit society, but our application has not yet been approved. Can we still apply for funding?
Do you fund charitable activities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as England?
Do you fund charitable activities overseas?
My organisation has annual income of more than £500,000. Can we still apply for funding?
I have an existing grant from The Fore. Can I apply?
If I have been turned down previously for a grant from The Fore, can I apply again?
Registering for funding
How do I apply for funding?
To apply for funding, organisations must first register some basic contact details at the start of the funding round. Dates for upcoming registration periods are always provided on our website in advance. When registration opens, a link to the registration form appears on this page.
Once your place on the funding round has been confirmed by email, you have 3-4 weeks to submit an application document via a secure weblink – please see the guidelines for application for more details. Only organisations that have registered with us at the start of a funding round and were allocated a place, may submit an application for that funding round.
How long do you stay open for registration?
I previously applied but was unsuccessful. I have been allocated a place in the current funding round, which means I have been invited to submit a full application. Can I speak with someone to get further feedback on my previous application before I submit my new one?
I have sent in my application by the secure weblink but have not heard back from The Fore.
What should I write in my application?
Please review our guidelines for application, available on the website here.
Am I required to include a detailed budget in my application?
Do we need to include a financial table in our application?
Is the financial table included as part of the three page application?
We don’t have three years of financial results. What should we say in the financial table?
There’s something odd or unusual about our financial history, and we think it may be confusing. What should we say in the financial table?
We are a new organisation and don't yet have any accounts.
How should I calculate our full-time equivalent (FTE) hours?
I don’t have my audited accounts for the most recent year. Can I still apply?
I made a mistake when uploading my answers to the questions in the webform. What should I do?