Dog A.I.D. (Assistance in Disability) Re...

Sector: Disability

Location: East Midlands, East of England, London, North East, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands

Skill needed: Trusteeship

Ms Independent Careers Request (Portfoli...

Sector: Economic development and employability, Women and girls, Youth and education

Location: London

Skill needed: Marketing and communications, Strategy and business planning

Bright Shadow Request

Sector: Art and culture, Disability

Location: South East

Skill needed: Trusteeship

RollaDome All Skate Request (Portfolio)

Sector: Health and wellbeing, Youth and education

Location: London

Skill needed: IT

Support U Request


Location: South East

Skill needed: Other, Trusteeship

Be United Request

Sector: Art and culture, Economic development and employability

Location: Scotland

Skill needed: Finance

Cycle Sisters Request (SAC recommended)

Sector: Environment, Health and wellbeing, Women and girls

Location: London

Skill needed: Law, Other

Bramber Bakehouse Request

Sector: Women and girls

Location: South East

Skill needed: Trusteeship

London Basketball Association Request

Sector: Art and culture, Economic development and employability, Health and wellbeing, Women and girls, Youth and education

Location: London

Skill needed: Law