Categories: Economic development and employability

Phoenix Cultural Centre CIC Legal Request

Phoenix Cultural Centre are a non profit live music and grassroots arts and cultural project based in Woking, Surrey. We…

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Phoenix Cultural Centre CIC Trustee Request

Phoenix Cultural Centre are a non profit live music and grassroots arts and cultural project based in Woking, Surrey. We…

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Create Studios Digital Media CIC Trustee Request

Create Studios is a Swindon-based digital production company that uses profits from its commissioned production to support an award-winning programme…

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Afghanistan and Central Asian Association Request

The Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (ACAA) is a registered charity organisation that was founded in 2001 to support vulnerable…

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Brixton Finishing School CIC Legal Request

Brixton Finishing School is an award winning social mobility project. Winner of Britain's Best Digital Skills and Inclusion project 2019…

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Compliments of The House Finance Strategy Request

We are a food redistribution charity that serves the most in need in society. We have had to completely change…

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Youth Empowerment for Development Initiative – YEDI Request

Our organization is based in a rural Community of Mufumbwe working to help the disadvantaged rural Communities to come out…

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The View Magazine Trustee Request

The View Magazine CIC is a newly launched social enterprise which produces a quarterly digital and print magazine which both…

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Feeding Futures Request

Feeding Futures partners with rural Kenyan communities to bring whole community development. Our vision is to reduce poverty through training…

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Form the Future CIC Request

Form the Future CIC is an award-winning social enterprise based in Cambridge and operating in the Eastern region. Our mission…

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Afghanistan and Central Asian Association Request

The Afghanistan & Central Asian Association (ACAA) was founded in 2001 and promotes social and economic integration with the increasing…

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Afghanistan and Central Asian Association Request

The Afghanistan & Central Asian Association (ACAA) was founded in 2001 and promotes social and economic integration with the increasing…

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People Place and Participation Ltd (Flo’s – the Place in the Park) Request

Flo's - The Place in the Park is a thriving community hub which opened 2 years ago. Covid19 has turned…

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Me, Myself

We support Innovators/Inventors/Entrepreneurs get in-front of the relevant people who can help them with their new idea or project. We…

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Wessex Social Ventures C.I.C. Request

We work with communities in sub-Saharan Africa to develop self-sustaining community led solutions to fundamental challenges. Once proven we package…

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Was Uprint And Accessories Request

Was Uprint And Accessories (WUA) is playing a key role in helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)…

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The Suited & Booted Centre

Public agencies and charities refer homeless and vulnerable unemployed men to us. We help them get into employment by providing…

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IJAD Request

IJAD is leading the exploration of movement, &technology. Through engagement & research, we collaborate with communities&create work for all. The…

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IJAD Request

IJAD is leading the exploration of movement, &technology. Through engagement & research, we collaborate with communities&create work for all. The…

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IJAD Request

IJAD is leading the exploration of movement, &technology. Through engagement & research, we collaborate with communities&create work for all. The…

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