Bath Gateway Out And About Request

Bath Gateway Out And About Request

Organisation Description

Bath Gateway Out And About supports adults to be able to partake in age appropriate social and leisure activities.
We aim to alleviate loneliness and isolation by integrating our Members into the local community , ultimately leading to a more independent lifestyle and a wider awareness and acceptance of learning disabilities.

What are they looking for?

We are looking for a Chair for our charity . We would love to find someone pro-active with a passion to help develop our special cause. Hands on enthusiasm would be welcomed massively . As the chair you would head six weekly committee meetings and play a crucual role working alongside our other five trustees. We anticipate a time commitment of two to at busier times possibly six hours per week. Meetings are preferably to be held in person , but we can accommodate some virtual meets. We would love if you had a passion to attend and support some local fundraising events as well ! You will be given as much support as possible in this exciting opportunity to make a positive difference to an often marginalised section of our society