Travel Hands Request

Organisation Description

Travel Hands eases the outdoor commute of Visually Impaired People (VIP) by pairing them with Travel Hands (sighted & verified volunteers) to walk together to similar destinations. Since 44% of VIPs in the UK use smartphones, we operate in a hybrid model: call centre and mobile- web apps. We have built a dashboard interface for the customer service and operations team to match the requests, chat with the users and monitor our users’ journeys when they are active for improved safety. With our technology, a journey request is sent by a VIP or by the backend team on behalf of VIPs to nearby available Travel Hands. The accepting Travel Hands will pick up the VIP and walk towards the requested destination. We generate revenue by charging fees to VIPs, charities and corporates.

What are they looking for?

We are looking for trustees to join us and help create partnerships with government bodies, councils, and corporations. Our current requirement is to expand the reach of Travel Hands and create awareness. We are building a program to engage corporations to join us through corporate volunteering programs. Furthermore, we seek a trustee, who can help us to built strategic partnerships by introducing leads or facilitating the conversations.

We are happy to approach the role as a hybrid (online and in person), based on the convenience of the trustee.